So, yes I did get a new Jesus on the cross face plate for my cell phone. Then, I answered my next call, "Hello, Jesus Hotline. Jesus speaking." It felt good. The person on the line was whining a little bit. He said that his team wasn't doing very well. I asked if he had prayed for help. He said he had, so I asked him how. He did say that he hadn't held his hands together, so I suggested he try that next time since it helps make the connection stronger. I asked him what he had said. It was the usual request for the win. That sounded okay, so I asked if he had promised something in return. He said he would be great all the time in return but admitted that he hadn't shared his candy. I suggested that lots of people didn't promise anything and got what they needed, but if you did promise, you should at least try to carry it out, for the first few times anyway. He said he would. I told him not to give up, but he started whining again about the team, the losing, the feeling bad about not being good. I told him to cut it out, and try to cheer up, since despair was worse than not keeping promises that you didn't mean. Try to keep a good attitude, I said. Keep those hands together when you pray because sunspots are a problem this time of year. Look, this conversation is eating into my minutes, so why don't you try later again. He said he would and rang off. Sheesh, this time of year is tough.