So, here's the thing that happened in my logic class on Thursday. There's an exercise in the textbook (which I $#%#@Q^$T%^T$#@QFC$#Q#@ HATE more than I love, I daresay) that we are analyzing together as a class activity. The goal is to determine whether inductive arguments are strong or weak, cogent or non-cogent. The particular argument is: "Since rock 'n' roll has been around for 100 years, it will probably be here for one more year." The class correctly analyzes the argument as a prediction (duh) that is strong since the past pattern is a pretty long time and the future extrapolation is a pretty conservative short guess. (ditto - and - duh). And now the anvil falls on all our heads because I start cracking up. And this is where I suppose I get the reputation for thinking of my students as having a cultural gap that must be overcome because of, ahem, their, ahem, age? I say, "I, er, am, er laughing, tee hee, because, er, not that I was there or anything, but, it's kinda funny imagining rock 'n' roll in 1907! . . . !!!!!!!!" (long pause) (and I mean a very very long pause. and I mean I was the only one who thought this was funny. seriously. I'm not kidding. There was not a sound in the classroom. Nary a giggle nor a haha.) So, one of my students shouts out in a clear, ringing dulcet tone: "How long has it been around then -- 20 years?"
Now, I must pause, since it was my turn to gather my resources and not turn into a quivering mass of giggles. That would make rock 'n' roll what, originate in, well, er, 1987? I guess that could be alright. The beginning of rock could be, say, when Madonna sang "Like a Virgin" or would it have been Cyndi Lauper singing "Girls Just Wanna Have Lunch?" Nah, that was that guy who sang Amish Wonderland. I'm getting all mixed up. Iggy Pop? I've got to go put batteries in my clapper. So I sez, think Elvis. Think 1950 and there was another pause. So, once again, it's not up to me. It's almost time for me to retire. Another 50 years and I'll be ready for my bionic amygdala.