Friday, May 4, 2007

Doing what you love

The part I love about teaching is the thinking and talking. Just as writing helps you think, so does talking to rational beings. Even more so, since the rational beings talk back. And they have a shared history and senses of humor, etc. The students, well, that might be collateral damage, or, they might be lagniappe. It depends on what happens later. Like, ten years later. Where are they?

1 comment:

Professoressa said...

Watch yourself, professors. Socrates is right about this one when he says, to paraphrase, that it would be stupid to harm the youth given the reasoning that no one would knowingly harm themselves. Since young people eventually join the larger community and wind up becoming influential (and perhaps hurting you), no one would hurt them intentionally. So, to make a long story short, your former students might turn up as the nurses in the County Clinic giving your kids their immunizations (nicely or with extra ouch). They're already your "waitpersons" and we all know what happens to the food of persons who are not liked in restaurants (according to urban legend).

"All urban legends are true"
-- John Leguizamo