Friday, April 9, 2010

What's happening to Snow Day?

Dunno. Maybe it was 2008 and 2009 that just got me down enough to not want to share any more secrets with you. Or, I just had better things to do. Like a new boyfriend, that is, FB. I try to be true but it isn't easy when you're graphophilic.

There have been quite a few changes in my life since 2008 -- for one, we now have basic cable and no HBO. So I have to get my fixes of Dexter and Larry David from netflix or take them out of the library.

I finally had a chance to watch all two seasons of ROME and it was so worth the wait. More on this later.

I am trying to read Stephenie Meyer's vampire books if only to have something to say at all those teen parties I go to. I can't decide whether Bella or Edward is the most screamingly repulsive and whiny person I have ever come across, but I'm sure it's one of them.

Well, gotta rest up for the festivities tonight. 'Later.