Can it really be, Ladies and Gentlemen, all that simple, that all that needed to be done was to place an order on HSN with the husband's suffragium and then, when the package arrived, some 7 days later, priority mail, said husband placed the band on the left hand with appropriate wording, and the unscratchable, breathtakingly shiningly brilliant tungsten (aka wolfram) band was MINE! I tell you, MINE, all MINE?
Was ever a woman so thrrrrilled by such a trifle? Well, yes, t'was I, when first this same husband placed the pink gold circlet upon mine finger some years ago under like circumstance. Had I not borne several children in the interrum and found fruite pyes such a compelling diversione on my childbed so sore, this sayme gold circlet would still be upon mine finger now. But alas, even running upon airport tarmackes and sittinge and typing vaste long upon worde processores wryting bookes and artycles has not kepte me from shedding stones that I gained whilst gravide with childe. Thus a new marriage ringe my brydegroome didst find me on the InterWebbe this day. And upon my finger he didst putte it. Oh Joy! Oh Yes! Yes! Yes!
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