This isn't exactly a beautiful day by most people's standards but I think it's lovely. The sky is grey, like the Crayola crayon. My car is getting its air
conditioning fixed finally and I have some great new ideas for reprising "Di
ary of a Stalker" especially now that I have a scanner in my office. I think I can do a flashback of the stalker when he was a wee lad and just beginning to get his chops as a stalkerboyo. Also, he's just gotten out of prison again and begun to realize that he's behind the times and all the other stalkers have laptops and can really do some serious spying, while he is living in a 50's world of Gig Young and Rock Hudson. Well, f--k it, he declares, I'm going to do what I do best! I'm going to stalk the good ol' fashioned way, thru the living room curtains! (For those of you who don't know who the stalker is, he's witty, he's urbane, he's the gentleman stalker! -- I'll be putting the scans on just as soon as I can grab some computer time here at the Rutherford Salt Mines.)

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